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Traditional Medicine Plants and Raw Materials Cultivation, Rearing and Development

This is more or less agricultural base program, although, it has advantages of other non-agricultural materials, but it’s major target is nurturing and developing traditional medicine raw materials which are major bio-resources e.g plants, animals mostly going extinction due to deforestation and industrialization.

Professionals under this cader shall be privy to production of other materials as covered by the design practical contents. The curriculum practical training content contains productions which includes- e.g honey, lime juice, black soap, sheabutter, Palm oil etc.

This program aims at developing people who would venture into identification of various medicinal plants, those who will understand various uses of the plants, method of planting and harvesting, methods of preservation’s and ideal marketing techniques, even the available market for medicinal plants and other raw materials.

It is not only plants that are made use in Traditional medicine, their are other various animate and inanimate resources e.g birds, insects, stones, water, soil, bones and others useful in the preparations. Due to industrialization, deforestation and urbanization their are plants on extinction and no reasonable efforts replace them, this poses threat to traditional Medicine.

We can have people trained and engaged in this act. It is a source of generating money for some interested individuals. It is a means of meeting a need of some professionals. It is an act capable of giving employment to a huge number of people who roams the street. It does not require high level of grades of education. It can be done by elderly peoples, young ones, students who are currently in school, graduates, even workers and civil servants.

Course Contents.

First Semester Year One

1. Plant Identifications

2. Animal Identifications

3. Primary Health Care

4. Nigerian Health System

5. Agrobiology Science

6. Yoruba Language

7. Practical;- Each student is expected to own a portion of land for the cultivation of at least 5 different plants. They are to equally raise and nurture another five different species of animals, snail, tortoises, lizard, cameleon, scorpion, crab. Etc.

They will also participate ín the general practicals where they produce;- Iru, ogiri, epo, adi agbon, adi eyan etc.

Second Semester First Year.

1. Mediconal plant identifications 11.

2. Medicinal Animal identifications 11.

3. Complementary Alternative Medicine.

4. Practical works and productions and exhibition.

Second Year First Semester.

1. Medicinal Plant identifications and extraction.

2. Medicinal Animal identifications and productions.

3. Identifications of other Traditional Medicine Materials

4. Management of traditional medicine materials, Marketing and supply

5. Practical productions and packaging.

Second Year Second Semester Final year.

1. Traditional Medicinal Planting    – Practical

2. Traditional Medicinal Animal Nursing – Practical

3. Management of Medicinal materials, procurement, supply and marketing.

4. Practical Project.

This project shall base on the compilation of all activities from year one till the end.

Each student shall produce five selected works, with branding and packaging.

Each graduating student shall be guided and ensure they register a business name before graduating.

They shall be monitored on localization of their centers.


We specialize in training traditional raw medicine and orthodox medical care based on practical methods and globally acceptable modern technology. The way of our fathers!


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